How to Have Fun With Levequests in Final Fantasy XIV Online

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I consider levequests to be a lot of fun. Not only do they offer a variety of missions, but it’s a great opportunity to earn cheap ffxiv gil and items to sell on the market. Here’s how:

Only run battlecraft leves. This is where you will find the most opportunity for items to use or sell on the market. The other leves provide some rewards, but aren’t as profitable. Battlecraft leves are where the items are at.

Pick a battlecraft leve that has an item as a reward. Even if it’s an item you can’t use, it could be something you can sell on the market. Typically pick the leve’s that offer a piece of gear, not potions or food.

Hunt for treasure chests. During leves, you can come across a treasure chest. Open it for an item to wear, potions, etc. In a way this helps increase your profit. Search all areas, even if you are about to finish the leve.

Set the difficulty to max. If you finish the leve with all of the objectives completed, you will typically receive a bonus. Try to kill any bounty targets as well. That means more gil and experience.

Avoid grand company leves. These will offer lesser rewards, in favor of giving you grand company seals. Grand company seals are easy to get other ways, so bypass these leves.