Safety of cheap to buy ffxiv gil FFXIV4GIL supplier is your best choice
A lot of our customers ask us the same question again and again though livechat or skype, that is if it is safe to buy FFXIV gil online through the gold sellers. Our answer is It Depends. Why? Because you need to see what kind of the sellers you are buying from?
We would like to tell you why it is not safe to buy from some sellers. For some sellers, they are good at making websites, so they make a lot of sites and then you think they are safe and buy from them. After they get your payment, they will never deliver the ffxiv gil to you, and you cannot even win the dispute if you file one on paypal because you buy the virtual game currency which is not covered by buyer protection.
Make a small initial purchase. You don’t want to spend a lot of money only to find out that the seller has scammed you and has no intention of delivering the gold. Buy the smallest amount it has to offer to gauge how reliable it is. The seller will want to know what server you are on, what faction you play and what your character’s name is. The seller may also require an automated phone verification.
Pay with PayPal or another secure method that shields your credit card information. Never give your credit card or bank account information directly to a gold seller. The last wait for the seller to make delivery. The gold should be delivered to your in-game mailbox. Most gold sellers have a timetable on their website that shows an estimate of how long it takes to deliver gold to each server and faction. If the seller delivers the gold on time, then it is probably safe to make a larger purchase from the site.